The Raleigh Chopper Show Website

The OFFICIAL website of the Annual show you do NOT want to miss.

Home to The Family Friendly Show that attracts National & International Attendees



Please note that this page is still being populated with information. Any question that is not listed here, but that has been or is asked and which is deemed as suitable, will be added to enlarge our F.A.Q list and help those seeking answers to specific questions.

Any underlined Blue text (except this) is usually a link to a resource or a page and is placed for convenience of knowing where to look for certain information.


Whilst we do not restrict or ban consumption of alchohol at or during the show, should you choose to consume any alchohol, we ask that you do so sensibly, in moderation and avoid drunkeness for the duration of your stay/visit.

Nobody likes a drunk and it can cause friction with attendees, campers within close proximity as well as make the show itself look poor amongst visitors and the staff of the venue. We also ask that you dispose of any packaging, tins, cartons or bottles in the appropriate place. Remember, there are wild birds and other animals present on-site that such articles can cause harm to, as well as other families and members of the public who use the field after we have left for whom consideration must be maintained at all times.

Please use the dropdown menus below to choose your question.

Facilities FAQs

Show FAQs

Show n Shine FAQs

Camping FAQs

Site FAQs



Is Food/Drink Available?

Usually yes, food and drink is available on the field as a buger van is usually present, however, as this is a new venue, we are unsure whether a food van will be allowed.

There is an on-site cafe that sells food of various forms

To View the Cafe Menu CLICK HERE

DISCLAIMER: Please be aware that the on-field burger-van may not be available due to circumstances beyond our control and should this ever be the case, we will do our best to inform all attendees of this through our social media platforms and, possibly, an alert on our website.

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Are there any Shops On-site?

No, unlike our previous venue, there are no shops on-site. However, Olney is 1 mile away and is within cycling distance and a separated path making it safe to cycle each way.

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Do we need to register the bikes before we attend??

The answer to this is Two-fold.

Firstly, no, you do NOT need to register any bicycles you bring to the show. However, if you wish to register for the "Show 'n' shine" competition, this is carried out on the day. See "Show 'n' shine" FAQs for further information.

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Can I bring another Raleigh bike that isn’t a Chopper?

The answer to this is a little complicated.

Whilst we do not discourage other models of Raleigh from being brought along, we ask that you respect that this is a show for the Raleigh Chopper as well as Chopper clones (Vindec High-Riser, Trusty Tracker et-al). It is a Raleigh Chopper show but if you want to bring a non chopper bike thats your choice. There is the Retro Raleigh Show in September that is a special show for all types of raleigh bikes. Bring whatever you like if you think it fits in with a Raleigh Chopper Show. Therefore if you only own one Raleigh Chopper but bring along another Raleigh bicycle for someone else to ride at the show or to display alongside the Chopper, we will not mind so long as it is appropriate and within the same era.

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Can I smoke/Vape at the show?

First and foremost, whilst the show is held in an open air environment and as such smoking/vaping is permitted, we ask that you avoid doing so around babies, children and people sensitive to smoking. For those who vape in particular, we request you do this away from people as the larger clouds of vapour are more disruptive and, like smoking, a number of people do not want to be in the vicinity of such things, including, believe it or not, a number of people who smoke.

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Do I have to pay an entry fee?

Entry to the show itself is FREE. The only costs involved are entry to the Emberton Country Park complex (per vehicle basis), for the pitch you occupy if you camp and the supplies (food, drink et-al) for your time at the show.

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What age range is the show suitable for?

The show is suitable to people of all ages. We have couples with babies and/or young children as well as people well into retirement who attend this family friendly show.


if you do have children with you, we ask that you ensure they are well behaved and that you maintain control of them at all times and that they and you show respect to other people and their property, to ensure that no incidents occur.


Please be aware that attendance to this show, either as a visitor or as a camper, is strictly at your own risk and that you and you alone are responsible for your own behaviour and that of any children you have in your group. Further, your safety, well-being and personal property and belongings are your responsibility.

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Do You Have First-Aid Facilities?

No, we do not. However, a number of attendees do carry small first-aid kits and First Aid provision is available at the Gatehouse to the site when open.


We ask, however, that you carry a first-aid kit yourself which caters to and covers your medical needs. If you have allergies, specifically food allergies, we respectfully ask that you carry the appropriate medication to deal with any instances of allergic reactions.


We also suggest and recommend that you carry and use sunblock to protect yourself from sunburn, as well as carrying adequate drinkable fluids (water particularly) to stave off heat exhaustion. A bad headache or a craving for sweet food (E.G chocolate) are often, but not always, indicators of dehydration.


This advice is given due to the show being held in an open-air environment, where there are bodies of water that reflect UV rays and because the sun is extremely hot during the summer when risk of sunburn and heat-stroke are at the highest potential, especially in open air environs with little to no shade.

First Aid provision is available at the Gatehouse when open. However, in the case of serious accidents please call the emergency services on 999. Emergency telephones are situated at the Gatehouse and in the holiday home site. Defibrillator machines are located by “A” block and the café building.

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Is The Show Wheelchair Friendly?

Providing you have a wheel-chair that can cope with uneven grassland, then yes, the show is wheel-chair friendly. There is an on-site wheel-chair friendly, level access toilet, accessed via use of an NKS (radar) key.

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What day is "Show 'n' shine" held?

The Show 'n' Shine competition is (as advertised at the show) usually held in the afternnon on Saturday. If you intend to enter the show n Shine competition it is advised that you arrive on site before 12pm as this will give time to have a look around as well as be there ahead of time to allow time for booking in to the competition.

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Can I just turn up and enter "Show 'n' Shine" ?

Providing you have a suitable bicycle to enter and you pay the small entry fee, then yes, it is open for everyone to take part and enter their bicycle.

Please see the categories list for the Show 'n' Shine (advertised at the show) to see whether your bicycle can be entered or not.

You may, if you wish, enter bicycles in each category if you own more than one and they suit the category. The only provision is that you pay the entry fee for each bicycle entered.

Please note that if your bicycle does NOT have a stand, you will be REQUIRED to use a suitable stand to ensure your bicycle remains upright. If you fail to provide a suitable stand, you may find that your bicycle is refused entry to the show 'n' shine arena and contest.

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How do we register for show n shine?

Firstly, you will need to know which category you wish to enter and these are displayed and explained at time of registration. There is a small fee, per bicycle, per entry, which is paid in cash and a short form to fill out. Once this is completed your icycle will be registered for the "Show 'n' shine" competition.

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Why is there an entry fee for show n shine?

There is an entry fee for show n shine because that fee goes towards funding the costs of the awards. Without that small fee it would be impossible to cover the costs and thus, there would be no awards and no competition..

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Is there a limit to Show N Shine entries??

There is currently no limit to how many bicycles you may enter to the show n shine competition provided you cover the small registration fee for each bicycle entered.

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Can I just Turn Up And Claim A Pitch?

Unfortunately no. You have to book your pitch through Emberton Country Park before you can camp on-site.


Please see the Booking in page for full details

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Are there electrical hook-ups?

Unfortunately no, there are electrical hook-ups on the Show Field / Rally field.

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Can I Use A Generator?

Unfortunately no, Generators are not permitted, unless by prior arrangement

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Are Barbeques (BBQs) Allowed?

BBQs are only permitted for those camping in the touring field and at the static caravan site. Please ensure the BBQ is away from trees and shrubs, and that it does not damage the grass or any of the park's property. Always use the dedicated ash bins to dispose of cooled ashes. Campfires are not permitted anywhere in the park.

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Are Fire Pits Allowed?

Firepits are treated in the same way as Camp fires. firepits and thus Camp fires are not permitted anywhere in the park, nor camping areas or Rally Fields.

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Are there toilet/shower Facilities?

Yes, there are onsite showers/toilets. Usually those using or camping in the Rally Fields are not permitted to use them, however, we have reached an agreement with Emberton that allows us to use those facilities. We therefore ask those who are camping on the Rally Field to ensure that they treat these facilities with respect such that we may continue this arrangement into the future.

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Can I have an Extra Vehicle on my Pitch?

Yes, you can, subject to paying the additional fee for the duration of your stay. Further details can be found on our Booking in page.


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Can I fly a drone?

No, drones are not permitted to be flown on site. Anyone found attempting to fly a drone will be evicted from the complex without warning.

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Can I go in the lakes?

No, you can not go in ANY of the lakes. Swimming, Wading, Paddling are NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME ON OR IN ANY BODY OF WATER WITHIN THE PARK. Boating and Sailing are NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME ON OR IN ANY BODY OF WATER WITHIN THE PARK.This is the absolute situation unless you are part of an organised rally group taking part in a pre-arranged activity on Grebe Lake.

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Can I ride an E-bike or E-scooter onsite?

The use of electric bikes and scooters, including quad bikes, monkey bikes, mini motor bikes and go-peds or the use of motorised petrol powered bikes and scooters, including quad bikes, monkey bikes, mini motor bikes and go-peds IS NOT PERMITTED AT ANY TIME WITHIN THE GROUNDS OF THE PARK.

Invalid carriages and mobility scooters are allowed and exempted from this rule.

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Can I Bring My Dog/s?

First and foremost, Guide Dogs and other helper/assistant dogs are always welcome, subject to following the information below.

Yes, you can bring your dog providing it is properly trained, is friendly and safe to have around other people and other animals.

We request, however, that a muzzle is worn by the dog/s at all times.

This is to ensure safety around other dogs, other animals and around people (Babies, Children & Adults) and for the protection of the dog/s themselves as objects that can become choking hazards are present on the show field.

Remember, you as the keeper/handler are ultimately responsible for the behaviour of the dog/s in your care.

Where a dog or dogs are known to present no threat and you as the keeper/handler can ensure and guarantee no harm will come to the dog, other animals or any person, goods or property and that you have trained the animal to properly obey your commands, a muzzle may be removed.

Remember to bring a collapsible or other form of bowl and bottled water for your dog so they may have opportunity to replenish the fluids they naturally lose. Animals will inevitably get thirsty in warm weather, especially during summer. As a responsible keeper/handler, you are expected to cater to the basic needs of the dog/s you have with you. You are expected to keep your dog/s ON THE LEAD AT ALL TIMES and under your full control.

No lead = No Dog/s on the show field or within the immediate surrounding area. This is a hard limit and dogs not on leads will not be tolerated. If your dog is not on a lead, you will be asked to place it on a lead and any refusal or failure to do so will result in you being asked to leave the show field or result in you being physically escorted from the show field if required.

No Excuses.

You and you alone as keeper/handler will be held responsible at all times for the behaviour of any dog/s in you care and will be held responsible for cleaning up after them. If you are not prepared to be responsible, please leave your dog/s in the care of a qualified handler.

Any Breed of dog or cross-breed of dog that is known to be dangerous, hostile or volatile, that is known to have or to display dangerous, hostile or volatile behaviour or any breed or cross-breed that is classed as dangerous, hostile and/or volatile MUST BE LEFT AT HOME for the safety of everybody else and any other dog/s and/or animals that may be present.

NO breed of dog that is specified in the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 is permitted on-site AT ANY TIME.

It is up to you, as keeper of said dog/s to fully clarify the situation BEFORE attending the Emberton Country Park complex and grounds.

Any display of any form of dangerous, hostile or volatile behaviour from any dog/s may or will (situation dependant) result in you being requested to remove the dog/s from the show-field, or in you being requested to make alternative arrangements for the dog/s, such that it is away from the show field. Subject to circumstances, you may also be requested by Emberton Country Park Security to leave the Emberton Country Park complex and grounds.

Whilst we do not like having to say this, it is a sad fact that we must do so to protect the attendess of the show and others around us. We hope you can understand and respect our reasons for this.

You will also need to clarify with Emberton Country Park what the exact policy or policies is or are as regards animals, in particular, dogs, even though we have directly copied their own policy below. Despite this, we ask that you abide by what we have stated above.

Emberton Country Park welcomes dogs and RESPONSIBLE dog owners.

There are no extra charges for dogs.

• Dogs must be kept on a lead in all Camping Fields, in the Static Caravan Site and the Rally Fields.
• Dogs must NEVER be left unattended
• Dogs must be always under close control.
• With EXPRESS EXEMPTION OF GUIDE DOGS, Dogs are not allowed to enter the Conservation Area
• With EXPRESS EXEMPTION OF GUIDE DOGS, Dogs are not allowed to enter the Children's Play Areas
• With EXPRESS EXEMPTION OF GUIDE DOGS, Dogs are not allowed to enter any of the buildings within the Park
• You must clean up after your dog for the benefit of all other users. 'Doggie Bags’ may be placed into any of the general waste bins.

Any further questions pertaining to dogs should be asked and answers to any queries gained BEFORE arrival, by speaking with Emberton Country Park themselves and by checking our own resources for any additional information directly relating to this specific matter.

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The entire organisation of the show is carried out by volunteers, therefore no responsibility or liability for your own, nor any other person's goods or property can or will be accepted by those volunteers.

Further, no responsibility or liability for your own, nor any other person's safety can or will be accepted by those volunteers.

The PR team and the web admin team can not, shall not and will not be held responsible for any content of any website or other resource linked to from this website. The content of such resources is purely for informational purposes only. Any such resource that presents or displays potential or actual risk to our users will be immediately removed.

Website & Website Design Copyright© & Copy© 2018 - R Whitmill. All Rights Reserved.